Mountpoint moved by one

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Mountpoint moved by one

Post by DJIronic »


I have a problem with my SteamCast config.

There is an offset between stream link and mountpoint.

For example.. I have these two stations in my config:

Code: Select all

But when I will open my SteamCast page and open the first station (Mountpoint 76), it looks like this:


As you can see, there is a link from SourceRelay76, but mountpoint from SourceMount77 (Radio LFCZ is streaming on thats link defined for 76, not 77).

Here is my full config:

When this problem appeared..I also noticed new message in the log after reload:

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[04/05/2018@05:01:25] Configuration reload started
[04/05/2018@05:01:25] Configuration loaded from steamcast.conf
[04/05/2018@05:01:25] Mount /sky19026 already defined, discarding additional duplicates.
[04/05/2018@05:01:25] Mount /sky19092 already defined, discarding additional duplicates.
[04/05/2018@05:01:25] Mount /sky19127 already defined, discarding additional duplicates.
[04/05/2018@05:01:25] Mount /sky19115 already defined, discarding additional duplicates.

Any idea how to fix it? There was no change on this part of the configuration file...We just noticed the offset on the page..and then I saw duplicates in the log.

Thank you for your time and answer.
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Re: Mountpoint moved by one

Post by Max »


Is this the Steamcast server you are using to reload the configuration whenever you want to use a new mount point? If so, are you sure that the numbers for the mount haven't accidentally been changed?
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Re: Mountpoint moved by one

Post by DJIronic »


Yes. I reload the configuration by writing "r" to the Steamcast console.

And the config I sent you here was taken from the steamcast.conf file after the reload when the issue already appeared. So I am sure they were not moved in the config.

I realized, that complete restart helps, so there is probably an issue with the reload system. I use the reload combined with script editing the config, so restarting the server after every config change is not an solution for me.

Thank you for your time and answers.
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Re: Mountpoint moved by one

Post by DJIronic »

ADDITION to my last post:

What helped: It was not just a restart, I also completely reseted the config file and added just two stations to test the issue.

Then I re-ran my script to write the complete config and reload the server, then It worked with exactly the same server.

Now my Steamcast is running is running just fine with reload running every 15 minutes, but sometimes it will end up on the same issue.
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Re: Mountpoint moved by one

Post by Max »


What could be going on is if the mount point number changes then it could cause conflicts. This is due to the way Steamcast is processing the configuration reload. It does it line by line and does not take down previous mounts using that mount point. I will see about making a more robust solution in the next update.

However, the ultimate goal I have is adding an API to Steamcast where every change you make would just be an HTTP call to Steamcast from your script.
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Re: Mountpoint moved by one

Post by DJIronic »

That will be cool.

But OK, we know where the problem is. Our system is fetching all the mountpoints from our streaming servers with API...first server1, then 2, then 3, so when new relay is added on server two, it will be added on the end of it's section...and in the middle of the config file. SO that will cause already created mountpoint error and it will mess up everything.

What can I do about it?
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Re: Mountpoint moved by one

Post by Max »

Make sure you reuse the exact same number for a mount point.

So, for example, "SourceMount45=/bluford8436" will always be mount number 45. Unless you are shutting that mount down.

Also, Steamcast does not expect or care if the mount numbers are not in order or if they are random numbers. The only requirement is that they are unique.
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