source can't connect Shoutcast v2, only legacy v1

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source can't connect Shoutcast v2, only legacy v1

Post by stevewa »

i'm trying WinAmp with plugin Source DSP, so I can play mp4 files with album art embedded, play with WinAmp, and send them to Steamcast(win7), and the Winamp dsp plugin can read the embedded album art and embed the image in the stream.

when i try to connect to steamcast using the source dsp plaugin in v2 mode, i get errors in winamp's log:

Code: Select all

2018-08-17 11:29:47	Connecting to... Server: localhost; Port: 8000; Mode: v2; Stream ID: 1; DJ / User ID: stevewa
2018-08-17 11:29:47	Cipher Response Received
2018-08-17 11:29:48	Reconnecting [5]
2018-08-17 11:29:49	Reconnecting [4]
2018-08-17 11:29:49	Not Connected
2018-08-17 11:29:52	Sending Cipher Request
2018-08-17 11:29:52	Receiving Authorization Response
2018-08-17 11:29:55	Disconnecting
2018-08-17 11:29:55	Not Connected
but when choosing v1 mode, it does connect.

Code: Select all

2018-08-17 11:36:35	Connecting to... Server: localhost; Port: 8000; Mode: v1; Stream ID: n/a; DJ / User ID: stevewa
2018-08-17 11:36:35	Sending Authorization
2018-08-17 11:36:35	Sending YP Information
BUT, in shoutcast version 1 mode, it cannot handle embedded images.

I found an old post in these fourms, maybe 2015, saying v2 of shoutcast is Ultravox, and steamcast will never use it.

1. I don't understand what Ultravox means, other than a great 80s band.

2. Is that still a valid truth, that steamcast will not support shoutcast v2? :cry:
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Re: source can't connect Shoutcast v2, only legacy v1

Post by Max »

Steamcast does not support Ultravox. The DSP plugin when you choose v2 forces Ultravox. Ultravox is a proprietary format that AOL tried to push when it still held Nullsoft. At this point I think its just in legacy support mode for Shoutcast anyway.
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Re: source can't connect Shoutcast v2, only legacy v1

Post by stevewa »

ok thank you.

does your future plan to have any custom metadata, ID3tag, embed images into the stream, using APIC (Attached Picture), or is it too hard to code?
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Re: source can't connect Shoutcast v2, only legacy v1

Post by Max »

There would have to be a standardized method for it. Something that is open and has popular encoder support.

Right now I'm not aware of any such standard so currently we don't have any plans for that.
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