Radio Toolbox v2.0.0

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Radio Toolbox v2.0.0

Post by Jay »

Hi All,

After a long hiatus Radio Toolbox is back and has been dramatically redesigned and rewritten to handle the tasks that Radio Toolbox v1 did and more.

The list below is a list of the Major improvements to Radio Toolbox since v1.

Changes for 2.0.0 Build 300
* All new code and design written from the ground up to work with a Radio Station in more meaningful way.
+ Station index - now you can organize servers based on the Logical Station that is streaming across it.
+ Mail Notifier - allows you to have Radio Toolbox send an email based on stat changes or servers becoming unavailable.
+ Air check module - Have Radio Toolbox tune into your broadcast and let you know when audible levels are too low.
+ Server Break down graph. Shows a breakdown of which servers are taking the most load. Very help in making sure that distribution to servers is even.
+ Automatic Album information lookup using as a source to fill in information that your server doesn't supply. Utilize this information to build a statistics page on your website that show album cover and information.
+ Integrated player. Radio Toolbox now can tune into most audio streams and play them back without the need for an external player.
+ Smart UI integration - Lots of updates to handle drag and drop of playlists and stations from within Radio Toolbox to other applications as well as accept link sand media information from other applications which Radio Toolbox supports.

There are of course many other elements that have changed or been redesigned that would make for some heavy reading but we will spare you. If you have an specific question feel free to ask it in this forum. Radio Toolbox v1 installations will continue to work as they did previously but it is highly recommended that you remove any prior installation of Radio Toolbox before upgrading to v2. If you were on the beta or RC tests then please completely remove any prior installation before proceeding to this release.

You can download the latest from:

For those who would like a fuller introduction to the new version. Some screen shots are provided in this post.
Radio Toolbox now works in most modern Windows OS environments with relative ease. Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 were required as a part of fulfilling this projects goals. An added bonus is support in Windows 2003, 2008, 2008 R2 and 2012.
Something new in Radio Toolbox is the ability to monitor and show statistics in new and intriguing ways. Air check allows someone to use Notifiers to be alerted to silence on their station. Track graphs are designed to be just like those found on Long needed and desired abilities to administrate and see details about a station are now included. Just right click on a listeners to see what options the server provides.
Radio Toolbox can largely be the same old Radio Toolbox you knew and loved but with a far more modern interface and informative experience.
Notifications have never been so comprehensive. You may remember Script Service and FTP service in Radio Toolbox v1. Those have now been replaced with Notifiers. Notifiers can be anything that communicates on the Internet or within your computer. In the future we anticipate releasing many different kind of notifiers to make Radio Toolbox more comprehensive in your need to market your Radio Station.

Other mentionable features include:
Real time trend analysis showing how your Listener counts or improving or decreasing.
Station heat map showing which servers need attention right from the Station index. The problematic station grows more red as more servers display trouble.
Comprehensive and easy to read Summary tab giving more detail about your Station.
Web administration panel is easier to manage and allows for complete control over Radio Toolbox's Station, servers and it's checking state. This will see a lot of improvement over the next series of releases with complete and total control over Radio Toolbox via a web panel.
Web browsing built right in. Simply go to File -> Open URL and enter " or any other website that has PLS, M3U, ASX or playlist links included.
Support for the latest servers such as SHOUTcast v2.
- Jay