Nothing connects, I think.

Steamcast is a stand alone server that combines the features of SHOUTcast and Icecast2 and more to make one mega awesome server.
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Nothing connects, I think.

Post by ncaweb »

I just can't seem to get steamcast or icecast going. I decided to go with steamcast. Ports are confirmed open. Edcast, winamp up and running. What the heck am I doing wrong? Please help.

Here is what I get from ./steamcast

Event Log:
<06/20/2011@11:19:49> [serv] Configuration loaded from ./steamcast.conf
<06/20/2011@11:19:49> [serv] Mime types file loaded
<06/20/2011@11:19:49> [serv] PID: 29696
Segmentation fault0 Nodes: 0 (Unique: 0) Tx: 0.00 bps<->0.00 bps
[email protected] [~]#

Here is the config file:

; Steamcast Configuration File
; ================================
; This is the default Steamcast server configuration file, feel free to use
; it as a template for your server's configuration. All lines beginning with ;
; or blank are ignored by the server's configuration parser.

; Server Configuration
; ====================

; PortBase [*8000]: The port that Steamcast will listen for connections on, generally it is
; acceptable to just leave this at the default, change it if you use port
; 8000 and/or 8001 for some other server. Ports < 1024 are reserved, so try to
; stay above that.

; MaxUser: The maximum amount of streaming clients Steamcast should
; handle, this is a global setting for all multimedia connections. Set this
; to a smart number. Setting this too high could cause your network connection
; to be flooded and cause real problems for all end users. In 0.9.7 this configuration
; option became optional. Set this to set hard limits on max listener counts, otherwise
; cumulative SourceUserMax will be used to determine the overall UserMax.
; MaxUser=20

; MaxBandwidth: This is the maximum amount of out-going bandwidth allowed by Steamcast in units
; of kilo-bits per second. This is a soft limit so it is possible for the server to exceed this
; limit due to the average bandwidth system some enforcement latency may occur as well. A setting
; of zero disables this feature.
; MaxBandwidth=0

; IPMaxUser [*0]: The maximum amount of streaming clients Steamcast should
; handle per IP, this is a global setting for all multimedia connections.
; A setting of 0 disables this feature.
; IPMaxUser=0

; LogFile [None|*steamcast.log]: The location you would like Steamcast to store
; it's log file, setting this to 'None' or blank disables this feature. You can use use variable
; templates to control the name of the log in real time. View the Readme for a full list of
; variables available. Ex: %m-%d-%Y-steamcast.log to have steamcast create a different log
; every day.

; MimeFile [None|*mime.types]: The location of your mime types file. The mime types file is critical
; in the implementation and usage of the on-demand capabilities of the server. This file also
; enables steamcast's auto extension feature so that the server will assign the correct extension
; to your mount points based on the audio format/codec in use.

; BanFile [None|*steamcast.ban]: Use this variable to specify the location of your ban file. The ban
; file contains information about pre-existing bans. If the ban file does not exist, steamcast will
; attempt to create it. A setting of None disables saving or loading of ban information.

; VipFile [None|*]: The file used to load pre-existing vip information. VIP's are IPs
; and users designated as having a higher privilege level then average users. A setting of None
; disables saving or loading of ban information.

; ScreenLog [*Yes|No]: Setting this to Yes will allow steamcast to output log information
; the the screen in CLI environments.

; RealtimeLog [*Yes|No]: Setting this to Yes will allow steamcast to output Realtime statistical
; information to the screen in CLI environments.

; YPLog [*Yes|No]: Enable the logging of YP Touches. This setting has no effect on
; YP Errors, or YP Add or YP Removes. It will only hide logging of Successful touches
; when set to No.

; PidFile [None|*]: The file location you would like Steamcast to store
; it's PID or Process ID, setting this to 'None' or blank disables this feature.
; Regardless of this setting, Process ID's will be stored in the Log on each startup.

; NameLookups [Yes|*No]: Setting NameLookup to Yes will have Steamcast
; do a reverse dns lookup on each connection made to the server. High Traffic servers
; should leave this setting disabled until I can come up with a better threading method.

; ShowLastSongs [*20]: This setting tells steamcast how many stream related meta updates
; to store in history. This capability was added for compatibility with reporting agencies.
; A Setting of 1 through 50 is acceptable.

; ClientTimeout [*30]: Number of seconds a listener/viewer should stay connected while no source
; exists for thier mount.

; User Configuration
; ==================

; AdminUser & Admin Pass: This is the credentials that allow full control of the server remotely
; so be very careful in determining what to put here. Essentially with these settings
; a user would be able to connect to the server using a CNTRL application and use
; the server as if they are sitting in front of it. Please make sure that admin passwords are
; different from mount passwords in SHOUTcast compatibility mode. Encoders passwords take precedence
; in the event they are, this is for compatibility and security reasons.


; Source Configuration
; ====================
; Each source that you wish to allow on the server needs to be configured
; here first. The parser will read strait down the file so if you have
; multiple source mounts and you declare a new mount before finishing
; configuration of another, then those configurations after the new
; declaration will go to the new mount.

; SourceMount: This is the mount you would like to create, if you set
; this to /ghey then you would be able to access this mount by
; going to http://localhost:8000/ghey It is critical that you
; make sure to include the slash at the beginning.

; SourceUser: The last SourceMount declared will require this Username
; in order to become a source for this mount. Note: if you are running
; this mount in shoutcast compatibility mode, this is not required. However
; it's best to set this anyhow as it allows your encoder users to administrate
; their mounts from a CNTRL app or web panel.

; SourcePass: This is the last Source Mount's password, this is required
; for all connecting encoders. Mounts without passwords are invalid.

; SourceUserMax [*5]: This particular mount's UserMax, if all of your source
; UserMaxes combined exceed the global UserMax then the UserMax takes presedence.

; SourceRelay: This particular mount will pull data from the location specified below.
; If you publish both servers on and wish that they cluster at that
; yp server then enter your relay url without http:// or trailing path or slashes
; like the example below. It is now permissable to make a list out of this variable
; to have in effect fallback masters in the event one is unavailable.

; SourceDisconnectWait: [*10]: Allows you to control the wait time in seconds between reconnect
; attempts if a relay fails. Values from 1 and up are acceptable.
; SourceDisconnectWait=10

; SourceDirectory: This mount will be an on-demand mount for steamcast. Any directory location
; is acceptable here. This aspect of Steamcast still needs alot of work. So stay tuned.
; SourceDirectory=./content

; SourceGateway: The location of a file you want to be played before the stream begins for each
; listener. Use %s and Steamcast will only look for files with a matching extension. Files must be
; the same in everyway with the stream currently playing.
; SourceGateway=/intro.%s

; SourceBackup: This is the mount you would like listeners directed to in the
; event that this source becomes unavailable. These two mounts must be completely
; identical bitstreams in order for this feature to work properly.
; SourceBackup=/live_back

; SourceBitrateLimit: Set this to have Steamcast choke sources that exceed a
; certain average data rate. This value is based on actual data transfer and not any particular
; format headers. This is a great way to control users in community or hosting
; environments. Default is no limits. Steamcast waits 20 seconds into a connect before
; limiting, the choke takes affect after a source goes 10% over the limit.
; SourceAvgBitrateLimit=128

; SourceIsSC [*Yes|No]: Setting this to Yes will allow source applications
; which do not have a username capability to use the last source
; declared anyway.

; SourceNameFormat: Provides a new Stream name either derived from the source or completely
; replacing the sources option. This title is used in client media players and publishing
; outlets. You can use %s anywhere in the title to have the encoder's option included into
; the final stream name.
; SourceNameFormat=%s powered by Steamcast

; SourceIsDefault [*Yes|No]: Setting this to Yes will make this particular
; mount available globally. There can be only one global mount. This
; is also the only mount that will be able to list at

; SourceIP: Setting this to a dotted IP address will make this particular
; mount available at the root of steamcast (much like SHOUTcast) for the IP
; specified here. Note: You must own the IP you place here. Inaccurate
; settings will have no effect. This setting essentially will allow you to
; list multiple source points in the SHOUTcast directory. It is not neccessary
; to set this setting if you only own one IP. Setting this for any Source will
; disable the SourceIsDefault flag on any mount.
; SourceIP=

; SourceAuth: [Yes|*No]: Allows you to setup HTTP Basic Authorization on this
; mount point. All Authentication is currently file based. Please see steamauth.txt
; SourceAuth overrides the public bit and will force all SourceAuth'd streams to be
; private.

; SourceAuthMax: [*0]: Allows you to set the maximum amount of connections per authenticated
; user. A setting of 0 is interpreted as unlimited.
; SourceAuthMax=0

; SourceListenerTimer: [*0]: Allows you to specify the amount of time a client can stay connected
; in minutes. A value of 0 disables this feature and allows clients to stay connected for
; an unlimited amount of time.
; SourceListenerTimer=0

; SourcePublic: [*Default|Always|Never]: Allows you to specify whether to override the source's
; public bit setting. When set to Always a source mount will list on directory services regardless of
; the encoder's specified preference. When set to Never the source mount will refuse to list on
; directory services. The default of... Default (heh) sets the source to let the encoder decide
; listing preference.
; SourcePublic=Default

; SourcePublicRelays: [*Yes|No]: Whether servers which relay steamcast should list on directory services.
; SourcePublicRelays=Yes

; SourceRawKey: Set this variable to the key you would like passed in a parameter string to access
; the raw data stream in HTTP form. This is great for things such as Flash. If you use the example
; below then access to the raw data stream (unprotected by user-agent filters) can be obtained by passing
; http://localhost:8000/mountname.mp3?rawdata to the player, as always substitute the address with your
; specific implementation. Leaving this option blank or commented disables this capability.
; SourceRawKey=rawdata

; SourceBuffUtil [*100]: This value allows you to control the start position
; of connecting clients within the buffer. 0 would effectively set a new connecting
; client to the write point of the buffer giving a more real-time like experience
; although due to the way the internet really works it can never be truely real-time.
; Setting this to 100 would start them all the way at the back of the buffer which
; gives most clients no buffer wait times. It is highly recommended that you not mess
; with this parameter except in instances where the bitrate of the stream is extremely
; low and you require an interactive experience from the users connected to the server.
; (i.e. A talk show or other low bitrate interactive live program) Most other broadcasts
; SHOULD NOT CHANGE THIS SETTING!!! Doing so will make the connecting users feel like
; they are on dialup in 1996 listening to Real Player. :)
; SourceBuffUtil=100

; Directory Configuration
; =======================

; Advanced Configuration
; ======================
; Do not mess with these configuration values unless you know what you are
; doing, typically these are settings which should not need adjusting. But
; are here for those users who feel they need more control over how the
; server behaves.

; ServIP [*Any]: This option allows you to control which interface or IP Steamcast
; should bind to. Setting this option will limit which IP clients can connect through.
; ANY (case sensitive) will allow steamcast to bind to all and any ip interfaces available.
; ServIP=ANY

; SrcIP [*Any]: SrcIP is the IP that Steamcast will listen for source connections. For
; instance setting this option to will limit SHOUTcast source connection attempts
; to only from the the machine steamcast resides on. ANY (case sensitive) will allow
; steamcast to bind to all and any ip interfaces available.

; ThreadPool [*5]: Set this to control the amount of available threads for incoming clients.
; Generally you should not have to change this setting. Setting anything below 2 is not allowed,
; due to severe loss of performance. Setting this too high will mean more memory and overhead
; will be needed to load the server, be sensible if you must change this number. While you are allowed
; to set a number as high as 100 anything over 10 is generally considered excessive.
; ThreadPool=5

; MetaInterval [*8192]: Set this to control the meta data interval in bytes for audio types that
; utilize the Icy Meta Data protocol. This is a server wide option. Technical notes: Excessive CPU
; and unlistenable streams may result if you set this value too low. Steamcast will go no lower then
; 1024bytes.
; MetaInterval=8192

; if I could smile I would.
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Re: Nothing connects, I think.

Post by Jay »

When does the segfault occur? Immediately? When a source connects? Listener? Also I need system details. Thanks.
- Jay
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:53 pm

Re: Nothing connects, I think.

Post by ncaweb »

First off, thanks for helping. I have spent quite a few hours working on this.

1. System 1: Windows 7 laptop. Winamp and the versions of Ed cast installed. Steamcast appears to be installed and running just fine.

2. System 2: Unix server running linux. Steamcast also appears to be installed just fine.

System 1 would be the source with system 2 the relay. The don't talk. Or am I lost?
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