Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

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Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Hello team,

First of all, congratulations on this proyect!. It works flawlessly and it looks nice and easy. I'm having a little problem with connections to the mount point from the same machine. It works ok when I connect from another computer. So far, I've tested to broadcast with Traktor and Altacast, both works as spected; they connect and stream. But when I've tried to load a playlist and stream to steamcast from the same machine I always end in the same point, it can't connect to the mountpoint. Both programs gave me the same error in the log:


Code: Select all

EROR stream/ices_instance_stream Failed initial connect to (Login failed: Success)
[2018-05-16  22:23:34] DBUG input/input_loop An instance died, removing it
[2018-05-16  22:23:34] DBUG input/input_flush_queue Input queue flush requested
[2018-05-16  22:23:34] INFO input/input_loop All instances removed, shutting down...
[2018-05-16  22:23:35] INFO ices-core/main Shutdown complete
(log from steamcast.log)
 <> No Source (/live) {UA: IceS 2.0.2}
Ezstream (log from steamcast.log)

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<> No Source (/live) {UA: libshout/2.4.1}
My steamcast.conf

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Code: Select all

    <svrinfoname>My Stream</svrinfoname>
    <svrinfodescription>This is a stream description</svrinfodescription>

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- run in background -->
    <!-- where logs, etc go. -->
    <!-- 1=error,2=warn,3=info,4=debug -->
    <!-- set this to 1 to log to the console instead of to the file above -->

    <!-- optional filename to write process id to -->
    <!-- <pidfile>/home/ices/</pidfile> -->

        <!-- metadata used for stream listing (not currently used) -->
            <name>Playlist - XX</name>
            <param name="type">basic</param>
            <param name="file">/home/ices-2.0.2/conf/dub.txt</param>
            <!-- random play -->
            <param name="random">1</param>
            <!-- if the playlist get updated that start at the beginning -->
            <param name="restart-after-reread">0</param>
            <!-- if set to 1 , plays once through, then exits. -->
            <param name="once">1</param>
I've tried with localhost, and checked other system logs to try to find the, presumably, silly error. It's an VPS with Debian jessie on it. Any light on this will be much appreciated.
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by Max »

One sec, misread something.
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Max wrote: Thu May 17, 2018 10:00 pm One sec, misread something.
Hello there MAX, thanks for reading. In the meantime I've tried another source -Icegenerator- with the same result. I can't connect to the steamcast/icecast from the same machine. Iptables is empty. Looking at steamcast.log I saw this (it happens everytime but I'm still be able to connect from another ip):

Code: Select all

[05/18/2018@00:06:15] Configuration loaded from steamcast.conf
[05/18/2018@00:06:15] PID: 17425
[05/18/2018@00:06:15] Mime Types loaded from mime.types
[05/18/2018@00:06:15] Listening to for incoming connections...
[05/18/2018@00:06:15] Warning: Unable to bind to port 8000
[05/18/2018@00:06:15] Listening to for incoming connections...
[05/18/2018@00:06:15] Warning: Unable to bind to port 8001
[05/18/2018@00:06:15] Server Bound 2 sockets
[05/18/2018@00:06:15] Starting thread pool of 4 threads...
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by Max »

Well, it appears my original post was then correct. The warning there is stating that some other program on your machine is using port 8000 and 8001. Are you sure there aren't multiple instances of Steamcast running? Or that another program doesn't have those ports?
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Well, according to this, the steamcast itself:

Code: Select all

~# netstat -tulpn
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      336/named
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      336/named
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      382/sshd
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      1036/master
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      336/named
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      17425/steamcast
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      17425/steamcast
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp6       0      0 :::110                  :::*                    LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp6       0      0 :::143                  :::*                    LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      499/apache2
tcp6       0      0 :::4949                 :::*                    LISTEN      453/perl
tcp6       0      0 :::21                   :::*                    LISTEN      445/proftpd: (accep
tcp6       0      0 :::53                   :::*                    LISTEN      336/named
tcp6       0      0 ::1:953                 :::*                    LISTEN      336/named
tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN      499/apache2
tcp6       0      0 :::4190                 :::*                    LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp6       0      0 :::993                  :::*                    LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp6       0      0 :::995                  :::*                    LISTEN      417/dovecot
tcp6       0      0 :::3306                 :::*                    LISTEN      653/mysqld
udp        0      0*                           336/named
udp        0      0  *                           336/named
udp6       0      0 :::53                   :::*                                336/named
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by Jay »

I think the warning might be indicating that it is failing to bind to IPv6 either way I don't think that is the problem

Code: Select all

<> No Source (/live) {UA: libshout/2.4.1}
This is a big clue to me that there is a problem with the way Steamcast is interpreting this source connection. It seems to be treating it like a listener rather than a source.
- Jay
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Ok, I'm gonna try deactivating IPv6 support and try. Any other suggestion?
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by Max »

We may have to test if your source is doing something new. It should try to push ICE protocol for sending the source. But it appears Steamcast believes its trying to instead listen to the stream instead.
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Okey, if you need access to my vps just tell me who and I'll PM access data. I don't understand how this push/pull icecast protocol works yet, but there is a good chance that my server is misconfigurated somehow because of my noobness!
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by Max »


We will never ask for access to your VPS. Nor will we accept such access.

What we'll need to know is what applications and versions of said applications you are using. Also what operating system are you using?
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Sorry for the delay:

Code: Select all

~# dpkg-query -l
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                 Version                 Architecture            Description
ii  acl                                  2.2.52-2                amd64                   Access control list utilities
ii  adduser                              3.113+nmu3              all                     add and remove users and groups
ii  apache2                              2.4.10-10+deb8u12       amd64                   Apache HTTP Server
ii  apache2-bin                          2.4.10-10+deb8u12       amd64                   Apache HTTP Server (modules and other binary files)
ii  apache2-data                         2.4.10-10+deb8u12       all                     Apache HTTP Server (common files)
ii  apache2-doc                          2.4.10-10+deb8u12       all                     Apache HTTP Server (on-site documentation)
ii  apache2-utils                        2.4.10-10+deb8u12       amd64                   Apache HTTP Server (utility programs for web servers)
ii  apt                                       amd64                   commandline package manager
ii  apt-utils                                 amd64                   package management related utility programs
ii  asciidoc                             8.6.9-3                 all                     Highly configurable text format for writing documentation
ii  augeas-lenses                        1.8.0-1~bpo8+1          all                     Set of lenses needed by libaugeas0 to parse config files
ii  autoconf                             2.69-8                  all                     automatic configure script builder
ii  automake                             1:1.14.1-4+deb8u1       all                     Tool for generating GNU Standards-compliant Makefiles
ii  autotools-dev                        20140911.1              all                     Update infrastructure for config.{guess,sub} files
ii  base-files                           8+deb8u10               amd64                   Debian base system miscellaneous files
ii  base-passwd                          3.5.37                  amd64                   Debian base system master password and group files
ii  bash                                 4.3-11+deb8u1           amd64                   GNU Bourne Again SHell
ii  bind9                                1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u15  amd64                   Internet Domain Name Server
ii  bind9-host                           1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u15  amd64                   Version of 'host' bundled with BIND 9.X
ii  bind9utils                           1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u15  amd64                   Utilities for BIND
ii  binutils                             2.25-5+deb8u1           amd64                   GNU assembler, linker and binary utilities
ii  bsd-mailx                            8.1.2-0.20141216cvs-2   amd64                   simple mail user agent
ii  bsdmainutils                         9.0.6                   amd64                   collection of more utilities from FreeBSD
ii  bsdutils                             1:2.25.2-6              amd64                   basic utilities from 4.4BSD-Lite
ii  build-essential                      11.7                    amd64                   Informational list of build-essential packages
ii  bzip2                                1.0.6-7+b3              amd64                   high-quality block-sorting file compressor - utilities
ii  bzip2-doc                            1.0.6-7                 all                     high-quality block-sorting file compressor - documentation
ii  ca-certificates                      20141019+deb8u3         all                     Common CA certificates
ii  certbot                              0.10.2-1~bpo8+1         all                     automatically configure HTTPS using Let's Encrypt
ii  check:amd64                          0.9.10-6.1              amd64                   unit test framework for C
ii  cmake                                3.0.2-1+deb8u1          amd64                   cross-platform, open-source make system
ii  cmake-data                           3.0.2-1+deb8u1          all                     CMake data files (modules, templates and documentation)
ii  console-common                       0.7.88                  all                     basic infrastructure for text console configuration
ii  console-data                         2:1.12-5                all                     keymaps, fonts, charset maps, fallback tables for 'kbd'.
ii  coreutils                            8.23-4                  amd64                   GNU core utilities
ii  courier-authlib                      0.66.1-1+b1             amd64                   Courier authentication library
ii  cpio                                 2.11+dfsg-4.1+deb8u1    amd64                   GNU cpio -- a program to manage archives of files
ii  cpp                                  4:4.9.2-2               amd64                   GNU C preprocessor (cpp)
ii  cpp-4.9                              4.9.2-10+deb8u1         amd64                   GNU C preprocessor
ii  cracklib-runtime                     2.9.2-1                 amd64                   runtime support for password checker library cracklib2
ii  cron                                 3.0pl1-127+deb8u1       amd64                   process scheduling daemon
ii  curl                                 7.38.0-4+deb8u10        amd64                   command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax
ii  darkice                              1.2-0.2                 amd64                   Live audio streamer
ii  dash                                 0.5.7-4+b1              amd64                   POSIX-compliant shell
ii  db-util                              5.3.0                   all                     Berkeley Database Utilities
ii  db5.3-util                           5.3.28-9+deb8u1         amd64                   Berkeley v5.3 Database Utilities
ii  dbconfig-common                      1.8.47+nmu3+deb8u1      all                     common framework for packaging database applications
ii  dblatex                              0.3.5-2                 all                     Produces DVI, PostScript, PDF documents from DocBook sources
ii  dconf-gsettings-backend:amd64        0.22.0-1                amd64                   simple configuration storage system - GSettings back-end
ii  dconf-service                        0.22.0-1                amd64                   simple configuration storage system - D-Bus service
ii  debconf                              1.5.56+deb8u1           all                     Debian configuration management system
ii  debconf-i18n                         1.5.56+deb8u1           all                     full internationalization support for debconf
ii  debconf-utils                        1.5.56+deb8u1           all                     debconf utilities
ii  debhelper                            9.20150101+deb8u2       all                     helper programs for debian/rules
ii  debian-archive-keyring               2017.5~deb8u1           all                     GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
ii  debianutils                          4.4+b1                  amd64                   Miscellaneous utilities specific to Debian
ii  debugedit                            4.11.3-1.1              amd64                   tool to mangle source locations in .debug files
ii  dh-php5                              0.2                     all                     debhelper add-on to handle PHP PECL extensions
ii  dh-python                            1.20141111-2            all                     Debian helper tools for packaging Python libraries and applications
ii  diffutils                            1:3.3-1+b1              amd64                   File comparison utilities
ii  dmsetup                              2:1.02.90-2.2+deb8u1    amd64                   Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library
ii  dnsutils                             1:9.9.5.dfsg-9+deb8u15  amd64                   Clients provided with BIND
ii  docbook-dsssl                        1.79-7                  all                     modular DocBook DSSSL stylesheets, for print and HTML
ii  docbook-utils                        0.6.14-3                all                     Convert DocBook files to other formats (HTML, RTF, PS, man, PDF)
ii  docbook-xml                          4.5-7.2                 all                     standard XML documentation system for software and systems
ii  docbook-xsl                          1.78.1+dfsg-1           all                     stylesheets for processing DocBook XML to various output formats
ii  dovecot-core                         2:2.2.31-1~auto+30      amd64                   secure POP3/IMAP server - core files
ii  dovecot-imapd                        2:2.2.31-1~auto+30      amd64                   secure POP3/IMAP server - IMAP daemon
ii  dovecot-lmtpd                        2:2.2.31-1~auto+30      amd64                   secure POP3/IMAP server - LMTP server
ii  dovecot-managesieved                 2:2.2.31-1~auto+30      amd64                   secure POP3/IMAP server - ManageSieve server
ii  dovecot-mysql                        2:2.2.31-1~auto+30      amd64                   secure POP3/IMAP server - MySQL support
ii  dovecot-pop3d                        2:2.2.31-1~auto+30      amd64                   secure POP3/IMAP server - POP3 daemon
ii  dovecot-sieve                        2:2.2.31-1~auto+30      amd64                   secure POP3/IMAP server - Sieve filters support
ii  dpkg                                 1.17.27                 amd64                   Debian package management system
ii  dpkg-dev                             1.17.27                 all                     Debian package development tools
ii  dselect                              1.17.27                 amd64                   Debian package management front-end
ii  duplicity                            0.6.24-1                amd64                   encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup
ii  e2fslibs:amd64                       1.42.12-2+b1            amd64                   ext2/ext3/ext4 file system libraries
ii  e2fsprogs                            1.42.12-2+b1            amd64                   ext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilities
ii  ed                                   1.10-2                  amd64                   classic UNIX line editor
ii  ethtool                              1:3.16-1                amd64                   display or change Ethernet device settings
ii  expat                                2.1.0-6+deb8u4          amd64                   XML parsing C library - example application
ii  expect                               5.45-6                  amd64                   Automates interactive applications
ii  fakeroot                             1.20.2-1                amd64                   tool for simulating superuser privileges
ii  fapg                                 0.41-1                  amd64                   Fast Audio Playlist Generator
ii  file                                 1:5.22+15-2+deb8u3      amd64                   Determines file type using "magic" numbers
ii  findutils                            4.4.2-9+b1              amd64                   utilities for finding files--find, xargs
ii  finger                               0.17-15                 amd64                   user information lookup program
ii  fontconfig                           2.11.0-6.3+deb8u1       amd64                   generic font configuration library - support binaries
ii  fontconfig-config                    2.11.0-6.3+deb8u1       all                     generic font configuration library - configuration
ii  fonts-dejavu                         2.34-1                  all                     metapackage to pull in fonts-dejavu-core and fonts-dejavu-extra
ii  fonts-dejavu-core                    2.34-1                  all                     Vera font family derivate with additional characters
ii  fonts-dejavu-extra                   2.34-1                  all                     Vera font family derivate with additional characters (extra variants)
ii  fonts-droid                          1:4.4.4r2-6             all                     handheld device font with extensive style and language support
ii  fonts-freefont-ttf                   20120503-4              all                     Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts
ii  fonts-lmodern                        2.004.4-5               all                     OpenType fonts based on Computer Modern
ii  fonts-texgyre                        20140520-1              all                     OpenType fonts based on URW Fonts
ii  froxlor                          all                     Server Management Panel
ii  g++                                  4:4.9.2-2               amd64                   GNU C++ compiler
ii  g++-4.9                              4.9.2-10+deb8u1         amd64                   GNU C++ compiler
ii  gawk                                 1:4.1.1+dfsg-1          amd64                   GNU awk, a pattern scanning and processing language
ii  gcc                                  4:4.9.2-2               amd64                   GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.8-base:amd64                   4.8.4-1                 amd64                   GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  gcc-4.9                              4.9.2-10+deb8u1         amd64                   GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-4.9-base:amd64                   4.9.2-10+deb8u1         amd64                   GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
ii  geoip-database                       20150317-1              all                     IP lookup command line tools that use the GeoIP library (country database)
ii  gettext                              0.19.3-2                amd64                   GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  gettext-base                         0.19.3-2                amd64                   GNU Internationalization utilities for the base system
ii  ghostscript                          9.06~dfsg-2+deb8u6      amd64                   interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF
ii  git                                  1:2.1.4-2.1+deb8u5      amd64                   fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
ii  git-man                              1:2.1.4-2.1+deb8u5      all                     fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (manual pages)
ii  glib-networking:amd64                2.42.0-2                amd64                   network-related giomodules for GLib
ii  glib-networking-common               2.42.0-2                all                     network-related giomodules for GLib - data files
ii  glib-networking-services             2.42.0-2                amd64                   network-related giomodules for GLib - D-Bus services
ii  gnupg                                1.4.18-7+deb8u4         amd64                   GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
ii  gobject-introspection                1.42.0-2.2              amd64                   Generate interface introspection data for GObject libraries
ii  gpgv                                 1.4.18-7+deb8u4         amd64                   GNU privacy guard - signature verification tool
ii  grep                                 2.20-4.1                amd64                   GNU grep, egrep and fgrep
ii  groff-base                           1.22.2-8                amd64                   GNU troff text-formatting system (base system components)
ii  gsettings-desktop-schemas            3.14.1-1                all                     GSettings desktop-wide schemas
ii  gsfonts                              1:8.11+urwcyr1.0.7~pre4 all                     Fonts for the Ghostscript interpreter(s)
ii  gzip                                 1.6-4                   amd64                   GNU compression utilities
ii  hostname                             3.15                    amd64                   utility to set/show the host name or domain name
ii  icecast2                             2.4.0-1.1+deb8u1        amd64                   streaming media server
ii  ices2                                2.0.1-13.1              amd64                   Ogg Vorbis streaming source for Icecast 2
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Sorry I can't post this many text without having a forum post failure:
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by Max »

We really just needed the direct applications you are using with Steamcast such as the source/encoder.

Also, what operating system are you using?
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Code: Select all

lsb_release -da
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 8.10 (jessie)
Release:        8.10
Codename:       jessie
ezstream 0.6.0

Ices 2.0.2


Icecast2 its installed but I think its disabled, could it be the responsible?

/home# icecast2 -v
Icecast 2.4.0
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Re: Problem connecting to steamcast from local network. (Steamcast + Ezstream or Ices)

Post by knagpateaculos »

Upgrading to 9.4 solves nothing! Got the same error on every source client.

Code: Select all

# lsb_release -da
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 9.4 (stretch)
Release:        9.4
Codename:       stretch
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