Icyshout LLC

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Icyshout LLC - Icyshout is the industry leader for high Quality, Low Cost Shoutcast hosting and Icecast Hosting Solutions. We have established ourselves as the number one solution for internet radio broadcasting by providing cutting edge technology and the best customer support available. Our live chat support provides the instant help you need with your shoutcast or icecast hosting plans. Icyshout's SHOUTcast servers and Icecast servers can stream MP3, Ogg, MPEG-4, AAC, and NSV, format. The Centovacast control panel allows you to control every aspect of your server including the delivery of audio in a live situation. Icyshout is the best low cost Icecast and Shoutcast hosting available on the internet.SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Services AvailableIcecast2/Ogg Services Available
Price Structure: Is based on the Maximum Listeners set in the server.