Securenet Systems, Inc

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Securenet Systems, Inc - Securenet Systems is currently ranked by Alexa as the "Fastest Growing Streaming Provider in the World." We stream your content to the world over our high-speed, multi-backbone network using your choice of Windows, Silverlight or Flash Players. You can stream in Windows, MP3 or AAC+, and our players work on all Windows and Mac desktops, ensuring full market penetration and that all listeners accessing your stream will have the best possible listening experience via your own CUSTOM streaming player and FREE smartphone apps. Our gigabit network is housed in our own disaster-ready datacenter with the latest battery and generator backup technology, and has built-in redundancy at all levels. 24/7 monitoring and full-support staff ensure you the reliability and uptime you need for today's demanding listeners.

There are over 130 different player skins to choose from, and the players can be personalized with custom skins that you can create anytime from your home or office PC. You can add your station logo, rotating banners, video pre-rolls, and more, creating a revenue tool that provides value-added benefits to your local and national advertisers. Custom player buttons and links for live, on-demand and mobile listeners are easily generated by our system anytime you want and can be placed on any website, blog, social site, etc. The player simply "pops" up and starts playing the proper stream whenever a listener clicks on it. You also have the option to have 3 different sized players, including a mini-player version that can be toggled back and forth with the larger players without any stream interruption.

Call Jarrod at (866) 568-9402 x206 or [email protected] to get started today!

Window Media Services AvailableIcecast2/Ogg Services AvailableFlash/FMS Services Available
Price Structure: Is based on the Maximum Listeners set in the server.